Friday, August 28, 2009

Damascus, Virginia

I've just spent a wonderful few days in the town of Damascus Virginia.

The town bills themselves as "Trailtown USA" and you could not find a nicer group of people. Hospitable, friendly, charming!

I took a shave at a local hostel. Let me tell you, there is nothing as wonderful as a fresh shave after weeks of building up the stubble. It reminded me of my days in the work-a-day world when I shaved all the time.

Shaving wasn't such a delightful experience back then because I was prone to razor bumps. Yet another small annoyance of modern day life.
I wrote a little essay entitled How To Get Rid of Razor Bumps.
I hope you enjoy the read.

I'm heading south this weekend as I continue my hike on the Appalachian Trail. Maybe I'll see you!

Best wishes,


Monday, August 17, 2009

Shenandoah National Park, Virginia

I'm sitting on the overlook at Little Stony Man mountain, just off Skyline Drive. I woke up to a beautiful view.

As I was preparing my morning joe, I was irritated by a painful canker sore that's been bothering me. I enjoy nothing more than a steaming cup of mud in the early morning of a summer day, and there is nothing that ruins it more than a painful, persistant canker sore.
That's why I wrote Get Rid Of Canker Sores.

Please read (hopefully with your morning brew) and enjoy!


Thursday, August 13, 2009

Overlooking Harper's Ferry

Weverton Cliffs, Maryland
Overlooking Harpers Ferry

I've been doing a lot of walking this summer along the Appalachian Trail. Good hiking boots are a necessity and you would think everyone would know this.

Yet I am amazed at how many of my fellow hikers complain of foot problems brought about by poorly fitting footwear. That why I wrote How To Get Rid of Corns. Corns are a particularly painful reminder of stupid shoe and boot selection.

Read about corns, what they are, how you get them, and how you can remove them.

Cheers to all,


Monday, August 10, 2009

Duncannon, Pennsylvania

The Doyle Hotel

I recently realized that I probably have attrocious breath. There are lengthy periods where my dog Skip and I don't see another human so I have no feedback ... the blanched face, the turn of the head ... nothing.

Bad breath doesn't matter to me. Skip doesn't complain and I've gotten use to my own smells, but I know halitosis is a great embarassment to many others.

I spent some time researching the causes and remedies of bad breath in my latest article Get Rid of Bad Breath.

Give it a read and let me know what you think.

