Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Pretty Windy at Chimney Rock

Chimney Rock Historic Site is a landmark along the old Oregon Trail.  It was a marking place for thousands of westbound settlers.

For me, it was a cool place to rest on my way to Yellowstone.  The wind here was incredible and it reminded me of all the drafts I used to experience in my wonderful old house.

So what did I do? You guessed it. I wrote Get Rid of Drafts.

Please read and enjoy,


Thursday, November 5, 2009

Lots of Leaves at Harry Truman's Pad

Decided to drop by Harry Truman's on the way to Yellowstone. My favorite president. Give 'em hell, Harry!
Truman lived in a normal old Victorian house in Independence, Missouri.  The park service has kept it up beautifully, but there were sure a lot of leaves on the lot.

It got me to thinking about all the leaves I have raked over the years, and I was inspired to write How To Get Rid of Leaves.

Happy reading.  I should be at the cabin in a few weeks.
